Australian-Japanese multi-platinum producer and songwriter Taka Perry is making waves with his trailblazing productions spanning genres and territories.

With collaborations including KATSEYE, YEONJUN (from TOMORROW X TOGETHER), Cashmere Cat, Ruel, Denzel Curry, Ramengvrl, yama, SIRUP, and MAZZEL, his work has amassed over 900 million plays globally and charted on Billboard USA, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Phillipines, Spotify Global Top 100, Spotify Global Viral Top 10, Spotify Japan Viral #1, and multiple #1 placements on iTunes Japan Charts.

Taka’s creative diversity has seen him work on a wide range of releases worldwide, including global viral hit ‘Touch’ by KATSEYE, ARIA multi-platinum certified ‘Younger’ by Ruel, ARIA gold certified ’Not Thinkin’ Bout You’ by Ruel, Mini Cooper CM song ‘GO!!’ by SIRUP, and ‘Excuse Me’ by WILYWNKA. Often jumping between production, songwriting, and engineering, as well as being an accomplished multi-instrumentalist, Taka’s ever-growing list of accolades and talents define him as a versatile ‘all-in-one’ creative powerhouse.

As an artist in his own right, 2024 saw Taka release a collaborative record ‘THE GRIFFIN TAPES’ with Japanese hip-hop artist Leon Fanourakis. Following his global approach to collaboration, the album saw features from YNG Martyr (AU), sokodomo (KR), 李大奔 (CH), Ramengvrl (ID), CJ Fly (US), SEEDA (JP), ISSUGI (JP), and PANIA (AU).

Taka spends his time between Japan, South Korea, Australia, the USA, and the UK.


中学時代に音楽制作に挑み、今ではKATSEYE, YEONJUN, Cashmere Cat, Ruel, Denzel Curry, SIRUP, yama, iri, MAZZELなどの楽曲を手掛けている。今まで制作に関与した楽曲の9億総合再生回数を通し、アメリカ、カナダ、シンガポール、マレーシア、フィリピンのBillboardチャート、Spotify Global Top 100、Spotify Global Viral Top 10、Spotify Japan Viral #1、iTunes Japan #1 など、様々なチャートにランクインしている。

多彩な音楽才能を通し、KATSEYEのグローバルバイラヒット「Touch」、RuelのARIAマルチプラチナ認定の「Younger」、ARIAゴールド認定の「Not Thinkin’ Bout You」、SIRUPの「GO!!」、WILYWNKAの「Excuse Me」など幅広く世界中の楽曲で活躍を見せている。トラックメイク、作詞作曲、エンジニア、ギタリスト、ピアニストなど幅広い技術を積み重ね、今ではのオールインワン音楽パワーハウスとして知名度を上げている。

2024年にLeon Fanourakisとコラボアルバム「The Griffin Tapes」をリリースする。全曲プロデュースの作品となり、客演にはSEEDA (JP)、 ISSUGI (JP)、YNG Martyr (AU)、 sokodomo (KR)、 李大奔 (CH)、 Ramengvrl (ID)、CJ Fly (US)、 PANIA (AU)など世界中のゲストが参加。
